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How to maintain trucks? This article gives the answer, the owner check it out!On-site maintenance by engineers from home and abroad.We offer free accessories.

How to maintain trucks


   The new car maintenance of trucks is generally to the first warranty period, and the service station can be maintained according to the agreement. Of course, there are still many large cargo owners do not pay attention to the problem of the first protection, missing the first protection is also very common. The first protection is generally free to replace the oil, if you miss the first protection, that is, the oil becomes dirty, it will not have a big impact.


 Compared with the first protection, the second protection is more important. The second guarantee involves a wide range of projects, the car's engine, brake system, suspension system, gearbox and many other items have to do testing and maintenance, after this series of testing and maintenance, the car's state will also enter the best state, can better ensure the safety of driving.

  The owner of the truck may have some bad driving habits when driving, for example, the traffic light does not slow down in advance until the light takes the drag brake, which has great damage to the brake pads, so it is necessary to replace the brake pads regularly.

  There is also a more important point is the regular maintenance of tires, tires must pay attention to tire pressure, tire pressure is too high will wear the middle of the tread, tire pressure is too low is easy to cause a burst, so, daily maintenance must pay attention to tires.


  The above is for our daily maintenance needs to pay attention to the problem, then our maintenance cycle is how much? The maintenance cycle of trucks is different according to the different models, the cycle is not the same, generally 5,000 kilometers for small maintenance, 10,000 kilometers for large maintenance, for the cycle of general 4s stores will give a range, in accordance with the regulations to maintain.

  Trucks due to pull more, wear and tear of the components, first of all, the engine to change the oil, generally 5000 kilometers to change the oil, three filters (filter, wood filter, air filter) also need to be replaced, the whole car to play butter generally once a week, as well as antifreeze, oil every day to check, brake pads have observation holes, wear and tear to replace, drive shaft tire screws to check, to prevent loosening, The tire pressure should be normal, and the tire has no blistering or aging, depending on the situation. Gear oil should also be replaced regularly, in short, frequent maintenance, frequent inspection, in order to prevent disease, so that the vehicle to maintain a good state.

  The first thing to do when buying an old car is to understand its condition and get familiar with it. The whole car oil, gear oil, rear axle oil, antifreeze, as long as it is not new, the machine filter wood filter, so that you know the time of the next maintenance. Take a look at the tire wear. If it doesn't work, change it. Take all the wheels off and have a look, see if the bearings inside are worn, the brake pads.


  The vertical shaft in the front direction, the tie rod has no clearance. And check the machine and the rear axle for leaks. The rest is the usual maintenance, the oil is generally more than 10,000 kilometers a change, according to the environment you work. Run the city can extend the point, the site of the frequent change. Twenty thousand kilometers of protection wheels. The other is to check before the car, check in the car. Remember to keep an eye on the oil and the water temperature.